Best Imitation of Myself
Friday, June 29, 2007
we're gonna go to target to get a fun island!
Hey all!
Happy Friday!
To celebrate, please enjoy this comedic gem from no-coaster/Duluthian Maria Bamford - my new favorite.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
maximum fun.
So. Friends.
I realize it's been awhile. I have lots to share with you all.
But before I forget, there's been some fabulous finds on the ol' internet lately that I feel must be mentioned promptly.
First off, I just discovered this radio program called The Sound of Young America. Judging from some of the interviews, program descriptions, music and what I've heard so far, this has a very good chance of becoming my newest favorite thing. Check it out. It just may become yours too.
Secondly. if you have a few extra minutes today and want to spend them laughing really hard and/or feeling like you are on drugs, enjoy the following:
Jason Bateman and Alyssa Milano host Nintendo-sponsored Ice Capades. Special Guest - Mr. Belvedere!
Johnny Depp Vs. Extremely Entertaining Japanese Kids.
Personal update and pictures coming soon! Promise.